Integrated Report

Integrated Report 2024

View by section

  • Value Creation (PDF: 16,885KB)

    • Message from the President
    • Value Creation Process
    • Materiality
    • Medium-term Management Plan
    • Financial Strategy
    • Strengthening Human Capital Management
  • Business Strategy (PDF: 2,252KB)

    • Global Business Foundation
    • Surface Treatment Business
    • Foundry Business
    • Environment Business
    • Material Handling Business
    • Special Equipment Business
    • After-sales Service
  • Foundation for Value Creation (PDF: 3,429KB)

    • Environment
    • Responding to Climate Change
    • Technology, Development, and Manufacturing
    • Stakeholders
    • Corporate Foundation
    • Message from the Chairman of the Board of Directors
    • Executives
    • Compliance
    • Risk Management
  • Corporate Data (PDF: 1,098KB)

    • Financial/Non-financial Highlights
    • Data from Previous 11 Years
    • Financial Data
    • Corporate Profile / Stock Information
